Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Acharei- Kedoshim –Avos Perek 3
12 Iyar 5778/April 27,
those of us living on the East Coast, it’s been a long and harsh winter.
Ironically, this was the first time in a few years that we had relatively
pleasant fifty-degree weather on Purim. Being that it is a pre-leap year and
Purim was on March 1st, it was welcomed and appreciated. But as soon as Purim
ended, the weather dropped precipitously, heralding in a Shushan Purim snow storm.
That was followed with a few more March snow storms and generally cold weather.
This year March came like a lion and left the same way. Even on Pesach it was
cold and snowy.
week, the sun has finally returned from Florida. We are all hoping it will stay
a while. Still, we are holding our breath, hoping it doesn’t snow on Shavuos or
Tisha B’Av.
Eretz Yisroel, the special beracha recited once a year on the blooming of the
trees was recited weeks ago. I saw pictures of great rabbis standing in front of
beautiful trees under the bright Yerushalayim sun reciting the blessing before
here in New York, we are still unable to recite it as of yet. 
week, we have seen the first hints of spring, including the welcomed buzzing of
bees and insects, chirping birds, and some color returning to the still nascent
at our Shabbos table asked this week if the lengthy duration of winter is any
indication that it will be a particularly cool summer. The response was that it
is not an indication at all. In fact, it is likely that during a scorching July
day we will hardly remember our desperation to see the sun in late April.

As adults, we all have experienced great
surprises about how life turned out for people we knew in our youth. Often that
person may even be ourselves.
our formative years we make assumptions about who will be successful later in
life. Many school yearbooks contain articles predicting the future of the
graduates. At times they are accurate, but often they are not. The only
predictable thing about life is life’s unpredictability.
often, those we thought had little chance of making something of themselves
defy all predictions. 
once heard a beautiful statement: “all children have gifts; some open them
later than others”. The great parent and educator is one who sees the child not
as he/she is, but for who he/she can become. That requires vision and
foresight, and at times even a bit of imagination.
hard to envision budding trees and flowers in the dead of the winter. But we
all know that it will happen. We just have to have the patience to wait for it.
We need to have that perspective with our children as well. We need to daven
for patience and for the wisdom to see the greatness within, even if it hasn’t blossomed
just yet.
Shalom & Good Shabbos,
              R’ Dani and Chani Staum