

Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?

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Rabbi Dani Staum


KEY to Parshas Yisro Pix

Best Waiter Ever – When Yisro arrived, a meal was made in his honor where Moshe served as the waiter – Rashi 18:12

Measure for Measure – Yisro remarked that he was convinced of the truth of Hashem’s power because he realized that the wickedness of the Egyptians was paid back to them – 18:11

Blowing Shofar –During Mattan Torah the shofar was sounded, and it became increasingly louder – 19:19

Eagle with wings spread – Before Mattan Torah, Hashem told the nation that they have seen how Hashem carried them on the wings of eagles – 19:4

Humble Mountain – The Torah was given upon Har Sinai because of its humility – Gemara Megillah 29a; Medrash Tehillim 68

No Steps – In the final pasuk in the parsha, the Torah writes that it is forbidden for there to be steps leading up to the Mizbeiach because it would be immodest when the kohanim would ascend. Instead, there was a ramp – 20:23

Judicial System – Yisro suggested that Moshe create a hierarchal judicial system – 18:21

How to recover from Burn Out – Yisro warned Moshe that the current system of him singlehandedly answering the questions of the entire nation would wear him down – 18:18

Did you hear – The parsha begins that “Yisro heard” all the miracles that happened during the exodus – 18:1

I love my father-in-law – Yisro, the father-in-law of Moshe, joined the nation – 18:1

Let me give you some advice – Yisro gave Moshe advice about how to have a more efficient judicial system – 18:19

Waving goodbye – The Torah states that after joining and giving advice, Yisro returned home to his country. Rashi says he returned to convert the rest of his family – 18:27

Smoke billowing out of a furnace – During Mattan Torah on Har Sinai, smoke billowed up from the mountain “like the smoke of the furnace” – 19:18

Social Distancing; please stay away – the nation was warned repeatedly to maintain their distance and not ascend Har Sinai during Mattan Torah – 19:12, 19:21, 19:24