V’Zos HaBeracha
Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Key to V’zos Habracha – Parsha Pix
Giving a beracha – The parsha contains the berachos Moshe Rabbeinu conferred upon each shevet just prior to his passing.
Hot foot oil – Reference to beracha given to Shevet Asher that they would have a tremendous amount of oil – 33:24
Hidden – The grave of Moshe Rabbeinu referenced in beracha to Shevet Gad because it was somewhere in their portion was hidden from all. No one knows its location; see Rashi – 33:21
Torah lifted – The Torah that Moshe taught us is the inheritance of every Jew – 33:4
Bais Hamikdash – Beracha given to Shevet Binyamin included that part of the Bais Hamikdash (the Kodesh Kodashim) would ultimately be in his portion – 33:12 – see Rashi
Kohain Gadol offering ketores – Reference to beracha to Shevet Levi – 33:10
Watermelon – Reference to beracha to Shevet Yosef – “bounty of the moon” – 33:15 – see Rashi
Ashrecha Yisrael – Fortunate are you Yisroel; who is like you? – 33:29
Ox horns – Reference to beracha of Shevet Yosef – Yosef was blessed with the strength of an ox. The horns he was blessed with were actually of the Re’em, whose horns were noted for their beauty- 33:17