

Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?

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Rabbi Dani Staum


Parshas Tazria – Parsha Pix KEY

Bald spot – Among the Torah’s discussion of various forms of tzara’as, is tzara’as that appears on a bald spot – 13:40

Cohen Family – The only one who can issue a ruling about tzara’as is a Kohain – 13:9

Shirt with red stain/green stain – Tzara’as on an article of clothing is a dark shade of green or a dark shade of red – 13:49

Is it a girl or a boy – The beginning of the parsha discusses the lengths of time a new mother is tamei after giving birth – 12:4-5

Loshon Hora – Tzara’as is primarily a punishment resulting from speaking loshon hora – Arachin 15b. (However, it was a punishment for other things as well).

66 Days – After giving birth to a girl, the mother is ‘partially tamei’ for a total of 66 days, double the amount she would be tamei if she had a boy – 12:5

White chalk/Egg Whites/ Sheep wool/Snow – Tzara’as could be any one of these four shades of white. The kohain had to be an expert in recognizing each one – Mishna Negaim 1:1, Rambam Hilchos Tumas Tzara’as 1:2