Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Parshas Shemos – Parsha Pix KEY
Hello my name is – Chumash “Shemos” (and parshas “Shemos”) means Names
Building House – As a reward for not heeding Pharaoh’s evil decree, Hashem built houses for the midwives 1:21 (Rashbam, unlike Rashi, understands that it refers to literal houses)
Midwives Day – The heroic midwives Shifra and Puah (According to Rashi they were Yocheved and Miriam) 1:15
Origins of Final Solution – Just as in Nazi Germany, in Egypt they set out on a propaganda campaign and made up vicious lies that Jews wanted to take over the country – 1:10
Please remove your shoes – Hashem commanded Moshe to remove his shoes at the burning bush – 3:5
Public speaking for beginners – Moshe said he couldn’t be the leader because of a speech impediment. Hashem replied that He provides speech – 4:10-11
Stop being lazy – When the Jewish taskmasters pleaded with Pharaoh that he mitigate the brutal servitude, Pharaoh replied that the Jews were just lazy – 5:17
Burning bush – 3:1
Escape from Egypt – After killing an Egyptian, Moshe had to escape Egypt. He was in exile from the rest of his people for many decades, eventually coming to Midyan – 2:15