Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Parshas Shelach – Parshas Pix Key
Chopping wood– Torah relates that there was a Jew found violating Shabbos by chopping wood – 15:32
Oops – The Torah details what to do if the nation accidentally served Avodah Zara, including the korban they must bring – 15:22
Challah – The Torah commands that with every batch of dough baked one must separate challah and give it to a koahin – 15:18
Me’aras Hamachpeilah – When the spies passed Chevron, Kalev ben Yefuneh went to daven at the kevarim of the Avos and Imahos in Me’aras Hamachpeilah, davening that he not be influenced by his fellow spies to speak negatively about the Land – 13:22, see Rashi
Grasshopper – The spies returned and gave a negative report, including that they felt like grasshoppers compared to the powerful inhabitants of Cana’an – 13:33
(NY) Giants – The spies said that the nation would never be able to conquer Cana’an because they saw massive giants there – 13:22
Pouring wine – The Torah instructs about nesachim – wine libations that were to accompany korbanos once the nation entered Eretz Yisroel – 15:4
Blue sea – The Torah instructs us about the mitzvah of tzitzis which was to include a strand of techeiles. The techeiles helped a person focus on his responsibilities to Hashem because the techelies is the color of the sea, the color of the sea is similar to the color of the sky, and the color of the sky is similar to G-d’s Throne of Glory (Menachos 43) – 15:38
Jail – When the offender was caught chopping wood on Shabbos he was first locked up in a protected area, until Moshe was instructed by Hashem how to proceed – 15:34