Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Parshas Noach – Parsha Pix KEY
Seal of USA – 8:11 The eagle is holding arrows in one claw and an olive branch in other. Olive branch is symbol of peace based on Parshas Noach where dove brought an olive branch back to Noach. (Symbol of the eagle is that the USA wants peace – the eagle is facing the olive branch – but we are willing to fight for our democracy if necessary.)
Three floors of Teivah – People, animals, garbage 6:16 – see Rashi Ravens – the raven Noach sent before the dove 8:7
Window/emanating light – Dispute about meaning of word “Tzohar” – whether light in Ark was provided by a window or a stone that shone 6:16 – Rashi
Pear/seven sheep – There was a pair (pear) of all animals except kosher animals which had seven of each (so Noach could bring sacrifices) 6:19 & 7:2
Dove that Noach sent (In Shabbos zemiros we sing about the dove finding rest on Shabbos – Yonah matzah bo manoach…) 8:8
Tower of Lego – symbol of huge tower of Dor Haflagah to challenge Hashem 11:4 Baylonia – The tower was built there 11:9
The original curse (Babe Ruth being traded from Red Sox to Yankees) – the curse Noach gave to Chom for the evil Chom did to him 9:24