

Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?

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Rabbi Dani Staum

Parshas Naso Pix Key

Wagons traveling – As part of their gifts to the Mishkan, the Nesi’im (princes) donated six wagons for the Leviim to use to carry the different parts of the Mishkan while the nation was traveling in the desert – 7:3

Between the Keruvim – The final words of the parsha state that the Voice of Hashem would call out to Moshe from between the two keruvim – 7:89

You were warned – The Torah details the process of the Sotah – the suspected unfaithful wife. She doesn’t become a Sotah unless her husband first warned her not to be alone with a certain man – 5:14, see Rashi

Girl blowing up (Veronica Salt – Blueberry) – If the Sotah was indeed unfaithful and she drank the Sotah waters into which Hashem’s Name was erased, her body would become swollen, and she would suffer a shameful death – 5:27

Birchas Kohanim – The Torah details the process and text of Birchas Kohanim – 6:22-27

Shimshon – The haftorah for parshas Naso is about the birth of Shimshon – Shoftim chapter 13

Leave Now – There were three areas in the Midbar – the Mishkan, the enactment of the Leviim around the Mishkan, and the encampment of the rest of the nation surrounding the Leviim. If one had tzara’as he had to leave all three areas. If one had a Zav emission he had to leave the first two areas but could remain in the general area of the nation. If one became impure because of contact with a dead body he had to leave the area of the Mishkan, but could enter the area of the Leviim – 5:1-4

Robber stealing – The Torah discusses one who acts improperly with money, by withholding wages of a Jew, or not paying back a loan and then swears falsely about it. He must bring an Asham (guilt) offering, aside for paying back what he owes – 5:5-10

Crown – The Nazir who chooses to abstain from wine, cutting his hair, or coming into contact with a dead body, is described as having “the crown” of Hashem upon his head – 6:7

Happy Chanukah – The Torah details the korbanos of the 12 Nesiim. They are read during the 8 days of Chanukah as well – chapter 7

Everyone is unique – Even though the 12 Nesiim brought the exact same Korbanos and donations, the Torah lists each one individually. This symbolizes that each was special to Hashem. The Medrash lists in great detail the rationale for each Nasi in bringing what he brought.

Over and over and over – (see previous note)