Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Parshas Matos-Masei – Key to Parsha Pics
Kol Nidrei – Kol Nidrei is about annulment of vows, which is the first topic discussed in parshas Matos – 30:2-17
Soldiers in combat – The B’nei Yisoel went to battle against Midyan – 31:3
Blowtorach on a countertop – After the war against Midyan all the spoils from the war had to be kashered. The Torah states that whatever became impure through fire becomes purified with fire. This is the source of the law of kashering vessels – 31:23
Jordan – 2 and a half tribes asked Moshe if they could remain on the other side of the Jordan River – 32:2
Journeys – Parshas Masei begins by detailing the journeys and travels of the nation throughout the 40 years of travel in the desert – 33:1
Flying carpet – During the war against Midyan Bila’am used powers of impurity and flew away. He was chased by Pinchos who brought him down and killed him – See Rashi 31:6.
Map of Eretz Yisroel – the borders of the land are delineated in parshas Masei – 34:1-15
It was an accident – If a person kills by accident, he must seek refuge in an Ir Miklat – 35:11
42 – There were 42 campings of B’nei Yisroel during their 40 years in the desert. In addition, the Torah speaks about the 42 cities of the Leviim – 35:6