Ki Seitzei
Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Parshas Ki Setzei – Parsha Pix Key
Remember– The parsha concludes with the Biblically mandated mitzvah to remember how and when Amalek attacked us in the desert – 25:17
Bird with eggs in nest – The mitzvah of shiluach hakan carries with it a promise of longevity for one who fulfills it. If one finds eggs of a kosher bird, he must shoo away the mother and take the eggs – 22:6
Soldier digging – When Jewish soldiers went out to war, they had to carry a shovel (along with their weapons). When a soldier needed to take care of his bodily functions, he was obligated to dig a hole to cover his waste. This obligation symbolizes the extreme sensitivity and dignity a Jew must always have. Even when at war, he must maintain basic dignity and respect for others – 23:14
Sheep next to linen – The prohibition of sha’atnez is to mix linen and wool to produce clothing – 22:11
No interest – The Torah states that it is prohibited for a Jew to charge another Jew interest – 23:20
Farmer reaping grain – The Torah states that when a farmer is reaping and he forgets a bundle in the field, he must leave it for the poor – 24:19
When the scales are rigged – The Torah warns that our scales, weights and measures must always be honest and accurate so that we don’t cheat others – 25:13 (Rashi writes that dishonesty with weights and measures causes enemies to attack us, such as Amalek.)
Fence – When one builds a house, he is obligated to build a fence for his roof – 22:8 (This applies to any potentially dangerous area, such as a swimming pool or staircase – Rambam, Rotzeiach 11:1-5)
Solider running off to war – The parsha begins by detailing what happens when a soldier goes out to war and encounters a beautiful woman and wants to marry her – 21:10-14