Ki Savo


Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?

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Rabbi Dani Staum

Ki Savo – Parsha Pix Key

Fish – head not tail – One of the blessings we are promised when we follow the “voice of Hashem” is that we will be a head and not a tail, leader and not a follower. On Rosh Hashanah night many have the custom to eat a fish/sheep head and pray that we merit this blessing – 28:13

Sign outside Auschwitz – Every curse in the tochacha came true during the Holocaust (28:15- 28:68). (In the DP camps following the Holocaust, the Kalusenberger Rebbe instructed the ba’al korei to read the tochacha loudly. Normally the custom is to read it quietly as if praying that we never know from such curses. But at that point, the rebbe reasoned, they had endured it all for the Name of Hashem, so they should read it loudly.)

Understanding heart – As he begins his final message to his beloved nation, Moshe tells the people that it was on that day (after Moshe gave them a sefer Torah and informed them of the rebuke if they don’t follow the Torah) they were granted truly understanding hearts – 29:3

Basket of fruits of seven species – The mitzvah of bikkurim requires the farmer to bring his first fruits of the seven species that Eretz Yisroel is blessed with to the Bais Hamikdash – 26:2

To be b’simcha (joyous) – the mitzvah of bikkurim was an expression of gratitude that was to be performed with joy – 26:11. The Torah warns that the rebuke is the result of not serving Hashem joyfully – 28:47

Two mountains with sun in background– The blessings and curses were conveyed to the nation as 6 tribes stood on Har Gerizim and the other 6 stood on Har Eival – 27:12-13

Pile of 12 rocks – The nation was instructed that as soon as they would enter the Land, they were to inscribe the entire Torah on 12 huge stones placed upon Har Eival – 27:2

Haggadah – 26:5-8 – We recite these 4 pesukim in the Haggadah as the basis for our recounting the story of exile and redemption from Egypt.

Sefer Torah raised – see 27:26. Ramban learns that the curse of one who refuses to “upkeep the Torah” refers to one who refuses to raise the Torah for the congregation (hagbaha)