Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the Haggadah?
Rabbi Dani Staum
KEY to Haggadah Pix
Solution to Jewish Problem – וירעו אותנו המצרים כמה שנאמר הבה נתחכמה לו- Like the evil Nazis, Pharaoh and the Egyptians announced that they had to gather to solve the “Jewish problem”.
The Three Things – רבן גמליאל היה אומר כל שלא אמר שלשה דברים הללו בפסח Rabbi Gamliel says anyone who doesn’t speak about Pesach, Matzah, and Marror at the Seder has not properly fulfilled his obligation.
Terach – Terach, the father of Avrohom, is mentioned once when we stateמתחילה עובדי עבודה זרה – at first our fathers were idolaters.
Rosh Chodesh – יכול מראש חודש – the Haggadah mentions that there was a conceivable thought that perhaps the mitzvah of telling over the story of the exodus should begin Rosh Chodsh Nissan, two weeks before Pesach.
Beaten but not Defeated – והיא שעמדה – in every generation they have persecuted us, but they will never win!
Hand – There is a 3 way dispute between Rabbi Yosi, Rabbi Elazar, and Rabbi Akiva how many total makkos there were. All agree that there were five times more at the sea than in Egypt, because each Makkah is referred to as a “Finger of G-d” while at the sea it states that they saw the “Hand of G-d”.
Idols-R-Us – מתחילה עובדי עבודה זרה – We went from a group of idolaters into the nation who teaches the world about G-d.
Why is this knight different – מה נשתנה הלילה הזה – If you don’t know this oldest and corniest joke you haven’t fulfilled your obligation…
Thank you – The essence of the Seder is expressing gratitude to Hashem, especially in the paragraph of דיינו.
Keeping Promises – ברוך שומר הבטחתו לישראל we thank Hashem for preserving the promise He made to Avrohom to redeem us, even though it wasn’t time for us to be redeemed.
Car-Pass – After ורחץ comes….
All-Time Rushers – The Jewish people were the greatest rushers of all time. We eat matzah to remember our rushing out מצה זו שאנו אוכלים על שום מה.
Long white beard – אמר רבי אלעזר בן עזריה הרי אני כבן שבעים שנה – The 18 year old sage Rabbi Elazar miraculously looked like he was 70 years old overnight…
Is it Morning already? – מעשה ברבי אליעזר… רבותינו הגיע זמן ק”ש של שחרית – The 5 great sages were so engrossed in discussing the exodus all night long that they didn’t realize it was already morning.
190 years – Hashem told Avrohom that his descendants would be enslaved 400 years. After 210 years He saw that they couldn’t endure it any longer, and He took them out 190 years early. ברוך שומר הבטחתו לישראל שהקב”ה חשב את הקץ the gematria of the word קץ is 190. G-d calculated the 190 years that He took them out early.
Hillel –זכר למקדש כהלל – Before eating Korech we state that in the time of the Bais Hamikdash, Hillel ate a sandwich with the Korbon Pesach and matzah and marror.
4 sons – כנגד ארבעה בנים דברה תורה
Wash hands twice – ורחץ and רחצה
Dog chasing cat – From the song at the end of the Haggadah חד גדיא which has many deep meanings and should not be treated lightly.
Temporary Visa – ויגר שם מלמד שלא ירד יעקב אבינו למשתקע במצרים – When Yaakov went down to Mitzrayim with his family they only planned on remaining there temporarily.