Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Ha’azinu parsha Pix
Man with pot belly sleeping on couch – “Yeshurun became fat and kicked; you became fat, you became thick, you became corpulent, and deserted G-d, its Maker.” 32:15 (Our successes cause us to “forget” Hashem.)
Child listening – The parsha opens, “Give ear heavens and I will speak; and may the earth hear the words of my mouth.” 32:1 (We are exhorted to pay close attention to the timeless words of “the song of Ha’azinu”. In years past, many schoolchildren would be trained to memorize these difficult words, because it encompasses an overview of Jewish destiny.)
Eagle in flight – He was like an eagle arousing its nest… spreading its wings and taking them…” 32:11 (Hashem protects us like an eagle protects its young.)
Wet grass – “May my teachings drip like rain… like raindrops upon blades of grass.” 32:2 (The teachings of Torah nourish and sustain our spirit and souls.)
History class – “Remember days of yore, understand the years of generation after generation…” 32:7 (It is important to see the Divine Hand in history and to convey it to our children.)
Pupil of eye – “… He preserved him like the pupil of His eye.” 32:10 (The Jewish people are the pupil of G-d’s eye, as it were.)
Butter – “… And have him eat the ripe fruits of the field… butter of cattle and milk of sheep…” 32:14 (A description of the prosperity that G-d provided us with.)
Holding on to a rope – “For Hashem’s portion is His people; Yaakov is the rope of His inheritance.” 32:9 (Rashi explains that a rope, twisted from many strands, is stronger than any individual strand. Yaakov is mentioned of all the patriarchs, because he combined the strengths and virtues of Avrohom and Yitzchok.)
הרנינו גוים עמו… – “Nations – sing the praise of His people, for He will avenge the blood of his servants; He will bring retribution upon His foes, and He will appease His Land and His people.” 32:43 (The pasuk serves as an encouragement to us that G-d will avenge all the tears and blood of our people throughout time that has been spilled by our many enemies. This picture is of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Sha’ar and Naftali Frankel, three Israeli teenagers kidnapped and murdered by Hamas terrorists during the summer of 2014. The event brought about incredible heartbreak and unity.)