Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Devorim – Parsha Pix Key
No Favortism – The Torah instructs judges to not show any favortism – 1:17
Review – Chumash Devorim is the review of all events of 40 years in midbar from its very beginning
Rosh Chodesh Shevat – Devorim 1:2 (Moshe began Devorim on Rosh Chodesh Shevat)
Bees – The Emorites attacked like a swarm of bees – 1:44
Walled Cities – The Torah describes the greatness of the victories over King Og and his nation, Bashan. Many of their cities were walled and well fortified – 3:5
I can’t do this on my own – Moshe recounts that he felt overwhelmed with the nation’s complaints – 1:12
North Turn – Describing the tralves of the nation the Torah says they turned northward – 2:3
Why do you hate me? – In describing the sin of the spies and its aftermath, Moshe recounts that the nation complained that G-d hated them – 1:27
No Fear – The final pasuk in the parsha states that the nation should not fear the Canaanites they would encounter when they entered the Land – 3:22