Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
KEY to Parshas Chayei Sarak PIX
Chevron – 23:2
4 pairs (of shoes) – 4 pairs of husbands and wives were buried in Mearas Hamachpeilah (Adam and Chava, Avrohom and Sarah, Yitzchok and Rivka, Yaakov and Leah) – second explanation of Rashi why it was called Kiryas Arba 23:2
$400 – Amount of silver Shekalim that Avrohom paid Ephron to purchase Mearas Hamachpeilah 23:16
Camel drinking water – Rivka gave Eliezer water and for all his and his men’s camels 24:14
Incense – Avrohom’s second wife Keturah was so called because her deeds were as pleasant as incense 25:1 – Rashi
2 bracelets – part of the gifts Eliezer gave Rivkah, along with a golden nose ring 24:22
Davening in the field as the sun is setting – When Rivka was coming with Eliezer her first sight of Yitzchak was when he was davening Mincha in the field 24:63
Chosson Kallah – Yitzchok married Rivka 24:67 and Avrohom (re)married Keturah 25:1
Pouring poison in cup – Besuel and Lavan tried to poison Eliezer, but an angel switched it and Besuel died instead 24:55 see Rashi (Medrash says it was poison)