Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
KEY to Parshas Bo Pix
So what is this? – The question of the Simple Son in the Haggadah. (According to Seforno, the simple son is actually asking about the unusual mitzvah of peter chamor – to redeem a first born donkey – see next line) – 13:14
Donkey and sheep bedecked in jewelry in presence of the Klausenberger Rebbe and Pinsk-Karliner Rebbe – fulfilling mitzvah of pidyon peter chamor 13:13
Carrying sheep – Every family had to gather a sheep (or goat) on the tenth of Nissan to be used as their Korbon Pesach. They tied it to their bedposts so they could inspect it and ensure it had no blemish for 4 days – 12:3
Extra Protection at night – The Torah states that the night of Pesach is forever a night of divine protection – 12:42
“Pharoah pajamas” – The Torah doesn’t actually state that Pharaoh was in pajamas, only that “he got up at midnight”. Still, there is a beloved song “Pharaoh in pajamas in the middle of the night” that Jews love to sing at the Seder – 12:30
Will You Please Go Now – Pharaoh and all the Egyptians tried to hurry the Jews to leave the country the night of Makkas Bechoros – 12:33
430 – the years from the b’ris bein habsarim (when Hashem informed Avrohom Avinu about the future exile and eventual redemption) until Yetzias Mitzrayim 12:41
Teach a dog not to bark – No dogs barked when the jews left – 11:7
Tefillin – the mitzvah of tefillin is mentioned twice at the end of parshas Bo – 13:9 &13:16
I love spring – Pesach must always be during the spring to remind us that Hashem took us out during the spring because that is the most comfortable time of year to travel – 13:4