Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
KEY to Parshas Beshalach Pix
The Song of Life – The Shabbos when parshas Beshalach is read is called Shabbos Shira – the Shabbos of song. The most obvious reason is because the Shiras Hayam – Song of the Sea is in the parsha. In addition, (Chiddushei Harim notes) the nation was commanded about Shabbos which is a day of song – the song of the world (Mizmor shir l’Yom haShabbos).
Bittersweet – When there was no fresh water for the nation to drink in the desert, Hashem instructed Moshe to throw a branch into the water which miraculously made the water sweet – 15:25
No Water coming out of Tap – Later in the parsha, after the event in Marah when the water became sweet, the nation again had no water. Moshe was instructed to strike a rock to produce water – 17:6
Two Challos – the halacha of having lechem Mishna (two loaves) on Shabbos is based on the fact that a double portion of Manna fell on Friday for Shabbos- 16:22
Getting Ready for Shabbos – Moshe informed the nation that any cooking preparations they wanted to do with the Manna for Shabbos had to be done beforehand – 16:23
Follow the Cloud – the nation followed the Clouds of Glory during the day throughout their sojourns in the desert – 13:21
Follow the Fire – the nation followed the Divine Fire during the night throughout their sojourns in the desert – 13:21
No Shortcuts – Hashem didn’t lead the nation through Pelishtim even though it was most direct route into Eretz Yisroel, because the nation was emotionally unprepared for battle – 13:17
Holding Casket – Moshe gathered the bones of Yosef and the nation carried them (as well as the bones of all the shevatim) when they left Mitzrayim and throughout their travels in the desert – 13:19
World’s Best Doctor – Hashem promises that if we follow the Torah, we will not encounter sickness because He is our healer – 15:26
Two Orthodox Women davening at the seashore – (picture is actually from the Surfside tragedy this past summer) – The B’nai Yisroel davened to Hashem when they were trapped with the sea before them and the Egyptians attacking from behind – 14:10
Amalek – The conclusion of the parsha records our initial battle with our arch nemesis, Amalek – 17:8