Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Key to Parshas Bereishis Parsha Pix
Shabbos – Hashem created the world in six days and “rested” on the seventh. We sing in Lecha Dodi that Shabbos was “last to be created but first to be thought of”. The purpose of all creation was to create kedusha and make the physical world a conduit for holiness. 2:1
No Apple – There are four different opinions in the Medrash about what the fruit of the Eitz Hada’as was. But there is no opinion listed there that it was an apple. (See Gemara Berachos 40a, Sanhedrin 70a-b and Bereishis Rabbah 15:7)
Esrog/Grapes/Figs/Wheat – These are the four opinions mentioned in the Medrash about what the fruit was. (In addition, in his siddur, Rabbi Amram Gaon identifies the forbidden fruit as a nut).
The Milky Way (our galaxy) – Hashem created the energy of the entire world at one moment of Bereishis. During the subsequent five days He “brought forth” the creations. See Rashi 1:14
A man sweating while working – One of the curses of Adam for eating from the forbidden fruit was, “By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread” – 1:19
Am I my brother’s keeper – The tragic words Kayin used in response to Hashem’s question about Hevel, the brother Kayin had murdered – 4:9
Gan Eden – Adam and Chava had been placed in Gan Eden “to work it and to guard it”. They were banished when they sinned by eating from the forbidden fruit – 2:15
969 – The Righteous Mesushelach lived longest in history – 969 years – 5:27. The flood was delayed because of his death (see Rashi – 7:4).
Wedding – Hashem created Chava from Adam so they should marry and raise a family – 2:24