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Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?

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Rabbi Dani Staum

KEY to Parshas Vayakhel Pix

Missing letter –The Nesi’im (princes/leaders) of each shevet said they would wait to see what the rest of the Jewish people donated to the Mishkan and then they would give whatever wasn’t donated. This was viewed as a failure on their part to demonstrate leadership and generate excitement for the cause. For that reason, the letter yud is missing when it speaks about their donation – 35:27, see Rashi

No More – The nation had such an enthusiastic response to Moshe’s appeal for materials for the Mishkan, that Moshe had to announce that they stop bringing – 36:6

All wall mirrors – The kiyor (laver) from which the Kohanim washed their hands and feet before doing the avodah was made from the copper of the mirrors used by the Jewish women to beautify themselves for their exhausted and battered husbands during the Egyptian exile – 38:8

The Mishkan – Parshas Vayakhel details the actual construction of the entire Mishkan

Everyone Together – The parsha begins with Moshe gathering the nation to instruct them about laws of Shabbos – 35:1

Special Coverings – The Torah speaks about the making of “bigdei s’rad – the clothing of serving”. Rashi explains that those were the special coverings used to cover the vessels of the Mishkan while they were being transported during their travels through the desert – 35:19

No fire – When Moshe gathered the nation to teach them about Shabbos, he related the prohibition of lighting a fire on Shabbos -35:3

Spinning yarn from goat hair – Women would spin goat hair for the Mishkan while it was still attached to the goat. This required tremendous skill – 35:26, see Rashi

Shevet Dan – The two main architects of the Mishkan were Bezalel of Yehuda and Ohaliav of Dan. Yehuda was the most prominent of the tribes, while Dan was the last to travel. This showed that the Mishkan was a national endeavor – 35:34

Hollow Inside – The stones used for the Choshen were called Milu’im – filler stones. Those stones were used to fill the ‘indentations’ on the Choshen – 35:9 (see Rashi 25:7)

Accomplish your goals – Parsha Terumah detailed the plan of how to build the Mishkan while parshas Vayakhel details the actual building. Many people have many symbolic “parshas Terumah moments”, great things they dream about and aspire to accomplish. The key and challenge of life is to transform them into symbolic “parshas Vayakhel moments” by actualizing those dreams and harnessing one’s abilities.

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