Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Key to Parshas Vaeschanan – Pix
Man davening – The name of the parsha is “Vaeschanan – I supplicated/prayed”. Moshe Rabbeinu recounts that he prayed 515 prayers to be allowed into Eretz Yisroel until Hashem told him to stop praying – 3:23
Aseres Hadibros – Moshe Rabbeinu reviews the 10 commandments – 4:6
Boy saying Shema – The first parsha/paragraph of Shema is in the parsha – 6:4
Not all idols are made of gold – The Torah warns against making any idols, in the shape of a male, female, animal or bird – 4:16-17
Teshuva – Torah says that when Jewish nation will find themselves in times of difficulty, they will repent – 4:30
Man performing hagbaha (lifting Sefer Torah) – The pasuk customarily recited by the congregation when the Torah is lifted – 4:44 (see Kli Yakar for a beautiful explanation about why that pasuk appears here)
Yetzias Mitzrayim – Moshe Rabbeinu repeatedly reminds the nation about the exodus and the responsibility of the nation to live up to their lofty mission/destiny as that is why they were taken out – 4:34, 5:6, 5:15, 6:12, 6:20, 7:8
Ir Miklat (City of Refuge) – Moshe Rabbeinu set aside the three Cities of Refuge in Transjordan (the other three were set up later in Eretz Yisroel proper after the nation entered and conquered the Land) – 4:41
The Wise son – The question of the wise son referenced in the Haggadah is in parshas Vaeschanan – 6:20