Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Parshas Beh’aloscha – Parsha Pix Key
Shaver– Part of the inauguration process of the Levi’im included that they shave all the hair on their body – 8:7
Eyes – Moshe Rabbeinu asked Yisro not to leave and return home, because “you will be for us for eyes”, a guide and inspiration for the nation – 10:31
Running from School – When the nation left Har Sinai they did so “like a child running from school”. They were afraid that if they would stay longer, they would be informed about more prohibitions and commandments. This was the first of three tragedies mentioned in the parsha. )Ramban, 10:35 quoting gemara Shabbos 115b)
Follow Cloud – The nation traveled in the desert following the Cloud of Glory – 10:34
Gossip – At the end of the parsha the Torah relates that Miriam spoke loshon hora about Moshe and was afflicted with tzara’as – 12:1
Second Chance – After a group of righteous men complained that they had lost the opportunity to bring the Korbon Pesach with the rest of the nation because they were impure, Hashem told Moshe that they would have a second chance a month later on the 14th of Iyar. This day is known as Pesach Sheni – 9:10
Quails – When the nation cried that they wanted meat, Hashem provided them with quails. But because they asked inappropriately, when they ate the quails they died – 11:31
Family crying – Another of the tragedies in the parsha is that the nation cried together with their families about all the laws and restrictions (particularly about morality and family life) – 11:10, see Rashi
Blowing Trumpets – Trumpets were blown to inform the nation that it was time to travel, fight a war, rest from traveling, and during Shabbos and during joyous times – 10:2