Striving Higher


Erev Yom Kippur
9 Tishrei 5777/ October 11,
It seems that, aside
for the wave of penitent emotions, the High Holy Days also arouse a certain
level of nostalgia.
I mentioned last week
that during my formative years, my family lived on the Lower East Side of
Manhattan. We davened in the legendary Polisher Shteible, where not only my
father and grandfather davened, but where even my great-grandfather davened during
the years he was living in New York.
The atmosphere of the
Shteible is impossible to describe to one who has never experienced it. Antique
seforim lined the shelves, and aged wooden tables and benches sat atop the
dusty tiled floor. The distinct smell of herring, kichel, and
“bromphen” was ever palpable. I remember the two elderly kohanim who
duchaned – both sang different tunes, equally off key.
 Everyone who
davened in the Shtieble was a personality in his own right, with his own
idiosyncrasies – each worthy of his own Musings.
One particular memory
that I often think of at this time of year was from the middle of mussaf on
Rosh Hashnah and Yom Kippur. The gabbai, R’ Ezra, would open a cubby and remove
a stack of old copies of the New York Times. Then he would hastily distribute
one page to every person in shul. I was quite surprised and confused – a page
of old newspaper in the middle of davening?
But soon enough it
became clear what the newspapers were for. The gemara states that when one
kneels and prostrates before G-d during the mussaf of Rosh Hashnah and Yom
Kippur, he is not allowed to do so on the ground itself, as that was the
practice of idolaters. Rather he must place something between himself and the
floor. The Shteible used old newspapers to serve that purpose.
Rav Shimshon Pinkus
zt”l related that he had the same experience in his shul during his youth.
They too would hand out newspapers during mussaf on Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Kippur. He also related that one year, after everyone stood up following their
prostration, there was one fellow who remained down, with his face remaining
pressed to the ground. At first they feared that he had passed out. But upon
closer analyzation, they realized that he was reading the newspaper beneath
Rav Pinkus commented
that there may not be anything wrong with reading a newspaper article, but not at
that moment! At that lofty awesome moment when we demonstrate our complete
submission before G-d in a manner unparalleled during the rest of the year,
it’s not a time to be focusing on anything other than one’s complete commitment
and devotion to G-d.
Rav Pinkus added that
Shabbos each week, as well as every Yom Tov throughout the year, are times of
spiritual connection with G-d, on an unparalleled level. We have to ensure that
our behavior during those holy days is befitting their sanctity. Things which
may be perfectly acceptable, and even necessary, on regular weekdays, may not
be fitting during those elite times.
As the great day of Yom
Kippur is upon us, and we seek ways to elevate our service to Hashem, perhaps
we can give thought to a matter that is a particular challenge for all of us:
There is much good that
we do with our cell phones, and they help us in so many ways. But how often do
we take them out to look at them during davening in shul, during family meal
times, or at any time when we are conversing with another person. It has become
so commonplace that we hardly even realize that we do it.
During moments of
spiritual, or even personal connection, let’s not be the guy who is
proverbially “busy reading the paper”.
May we all have a G’mar
Chasima Tova – a year of growth, blessing, health, shidduchim, parnasa, nachas,
etc. But above all, may we all have the wisdom and insight to appreciate those
gifts we are granted by giving them our full attention, and by not allowing
ourselves to be distracted by the phony cyber-world.
G’mar Chasima Tova & Good Yom Tov
An uplifting, meaningful, and easy fast,

Dani and Chani Staum          

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